Moga Capture Rates

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Training: 100% Capture Rate
Beginner: 99% Capture Rate
Common: 59% Capture Rate
Uncommon: 39% Capture Rate
Rare: 29% Capture Rate
Super Rare: 19% Capture Rate
Epic: 9% Capture Rate
Legendary: 4% Capture Rate

*Note that all of these capture rates are calculated once the Moga is down to 1%-2% its maximum health.
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it's to hard to level up at the second island.. and i can't capture mogas above my level. that sucs..

Mike said...

Yeah it's tough, since you can't catch Mogas above your level anymore.

Anonymous said...

dude can you tell me where are the item that we get

Ardian said...

try to capture epic with nightmare
my brother always capture epic with 1 starseed

Anonymous said...

use moga star for 100% capture rate catching legendary mogas :)

Anonymous said...

Its too hard to catch rare moga

Anonymous said...

guys u must be higher level to capture epic with one star seed i knew that when capture winja with ons star seed i have zpleen lvl 16 i try to catch spike lvl 16 but i cant right now

Anonymous said...

^^^ correct my spike was level 18 and i was catching a cactoo(epic) level 17 one starseed. im am trying to get a momo and im one level higher than him 13 starseeds no luck >:(

Anonymous said...

i caught epics with 3 or 4 ss and legendary with 3 ss

Anonymous said...

Thanx now i can play geniuslly

Anonymous said...

yea fools spike 3 starseeds and tama 1 star seed

Anonymous said...

I capture nomy lvl 9 with 3 starseed when nomy's health is 20 and the capture percent is 28%.. How do you explane that??

Anonymous said...

I capture zeppelin lvl 16 with 3 starseed the health is 7 and the capture rate is 19% how do you explane that.

Anonymous said...

I struggle to capture mogas sometimes but if u get the % to these above you will have more look, have lots of friends, get lots of whistles, get daily gifts from and just keep trying!

Anonymous said...

I capture lira with 1 starseed and the capture rates is 38% how do you explane that

Anonymous said...

Yea capture" n Cpature many more . .

Anonymous said...

Is it true that you need only one starseed to catch a moga if you use a galactic moga?? I used Soulcleaver to catch Powerbear (same level) but I'm still trying to catch it!!! How is it possible?!

Anonymous said...

i have used over 70 starseeds to catch winja and still i havent caught one....assholes

Anonymous said...

its easy to capture a rare , super rare moga with uncommon
dude that
should be till required\

Anonymous said...

caught lira 1 seed zepplin 1 seed it just luck kind of thing and i have alot when i feel like it

Yoake said...

It's easy to capture rare & super rare I've got 3xMessi 1xStaryak and 2xMushi 1xHakka 1xMelodee 1xWoolf 1xNomy 1xPaul & 1xElla with 1xstarseeds to capture all rares.....^^

Yoake said...

and 1 more Sheiff

Yoake said...

I'm lukier than you Anonymous

Anonymous said...

I caught a pluksop with 3 starseed it was 35% and I caught was epiiiic!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

caught bureti in 1 ss: 17%

Anonymous said...

winja : 1 ss first try
woolf : 1 ss first try
hakka : 1 ss first try
paul : 2 ss first try
bureti : 2 ss 3rd try
i think to make them easier to catch i suggest you all to use whistle fruit once till the hp is low, attack a bit, then catch i use it and worked, anyone have any clue about where to find cherubis ? i need 4 more to evolve, good luck guys

Anonymous said...

men this is the coolest site, i wanna stay all day, it would have gone better if they had a list of how many star seed need every rarity of mogas.

facebook said...

thanks to this site i have two epics now.

MonsterGalaxynewbie said...

i got birdronent-1s
woolf 2 times -1s
and got scene woolf evovled to zomwolf :)

Anonymous said...

How can capture paul in southsire brigde beacause nothing sign capture pleaseee answer my Question pleaseee...

Anonymous said...

Coyotl 6 ss

Zeit 3 ss

i got them both in 2 days! JUST LUCK!

Oh and i got all mogas now including galactic!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA IN YOUR FACE BITCHES YOU'LL NEVER GET ALL THE MOGAS dont belive me? add me then

Anonymous said...

I can't capture winja i tried 50ss and no luck explain that

Anonymous said...

Help me gin always come every place i go i can't capture any moga any more

Monster Galaxy is a Facebook Game Where You Can Capture, Collect and Battle Hundreds Of Different Monsters.
2011 Unofficial Monster Galaxy Database Not Affiliated With Gaia Online Or The Game Developers Of Monster Galaxy.
Become the greatest Moga tamer in the world with information from the Monster Galaxy Database!