Absorbing the power of the Nebugon, Unigon embodies the force of the cosmos in an even more threatening form.
Sign: Scorpio
Class: Balanced
Attack: 3
Defense: 3
Rarity: Super Rare
Location: Evolves From Nebugon.
Physical Attack:
Upgraded Physical Attack:
Upgraded Z-Attack:
Special Attack:
Random Ability:
i just evolved my neubigons into unigon
What is it's Physical Attack,Upgraded Physical Attack,Z-Attack,Upgraded Z-Attack,Special Attack and Random Ability or no Random Ability?!!!
tell me
Physical Attack:Kick
Upgrade Physical Attack:Roundhouse
Z-Attack:Cosmic Crusher
Upgrade Z-Attack:
Special Attack:Deadeye
Random Ability:
originally, unigon is legendary,not super rare, Iforgot to tell you years ago, also,his upgraded zodiac attack is event horizon and his random ability is life tap, trust me, this is a moga which worth to be evolved, it showed no mercy to its opponents
Unigon, eh? Nice touch. Thought nebulous looked like a horned dragon. I guess I chose my Mogadishu right. Too bad you can't choose 3. I really wanted Faust as well, it's evolved Gocon is precious to own
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