Moga Evolution Chart

# Mogas Needed Moga    Name # Evolution Potions Evolves    Into
5x A.C. 5x Albion
5x Alejandro 3x Swirlicorn
4x Alyx 3x Alleaux
4x Anee 3x Anini
? Basilisk ? Archaeon
4x Basont 10x Zerk
3x Beefee 3x Toro
3x Bhino ? Gladioceros
3x Birdrodent ? Waidio
? Blackfang ? Eclipse
4x Booly 3x Meano
? Boxer ? Pox
4x Brolo 5x Rooney
4x Buffant 4x Trufflefant
4x Cathulu 4x Dumboocto
? Cherubis ? Basilisk
4x Chiberus 4x Hell Mongrel
4x Chuuchilla 2x Chuuzilla
6x Cloyd 4x Bunglon
4x Colibri 2x Yugel
4x Dead Heat 10x Valgore
3x Dinho 2x Ronal
4x Eefree 4x Stego
4x Electrotter 4x Spwinder
5x Faust ? Gocon
5x Flam 4x Dead Heat
4x Frostfang 10x Gravedigger
5x Gnarwhale 4x Gnarknight
5x Grimmace 4x Reaper
5x Hammerdog 3x Phantar
5x Hanzo 10x Hattori
? Heartache ? Heartbreaker
3x Horus 3x Garuda
5x Ikki 4x Yuki
4x Jag 5x Lungs
7x Knightaur ? Sagithor
5x Knives 4x Basont
4x Kysebok 5x Korozinu
3x Leviathan 3x Rumbeard
5x Meano 5x Spartacus
4x Meka 5x Centurion
5x Mimple 5x Bock
7x Munninn 10x Horus
5x Munyu 4x Sheriff
7x Nar 6x Thorn
10x Nebugon 9x Unigon
4x Nightmare 4x Kirin
3x Nomy 5x Zuki
4x Orbz 5x Ariadne
5x Owlreed 5x Shadowstar
3x Paul 6x Pulpo
2x Peepee 1x Dewdevil
4x Pigloo 5x Bhino
5x Plasmians 10x Plasmadon
4x Pluksop 5x Rock Lobster
? Powerbear ? Sharebear
4x Pwee 4x Cloyd
4x Reaper 10x Soulcleaver
4x Rosette 5x Jackrose
4x Saphirz 10x Frostfang
3x Scenewolf 3x Zomwolf
4x Siri 4x Ella
6x Smok ? Kysebok
3x Southpaw 4x Beartrap
5x Sweetish ? Deelish
? Tama ? Tambo
3x Target ? Loko
5x Tauron 4x Minotaur
5x Teef 4x Mimpi
5x Tiano 10x Igneon
3x Tippy 3x Warden
3x Trolo 3x Brolo
5x Tutu 5x Allegro
5x Twister 4x Ozake
4x Vuvu 2x Olerk
3x Wasabee 1x Goatsabee
4x Winja 5x Shadowstrike
3x Woolf 3x Scenewolf
7x Wretch ? Mercykiller
4x Yoake 9x Juggernaut
4x Zeit 5x Crystagon


Anonymous said...

I evolved into a Valgore last night. It was 3 potions for a Flam to a Dead Heat and 10 potions from a Dead Heat to a Valgore

jordan said...

how did you get flam

- said...

how many smok do i need to evolve?

Mike said...

Thanks For The Info. I'll keep updating the chart with any new info you guys get

Anonymous said...

I can't smok evolve to flam..why??

Paidjan said...

i have 1 flam, but i can't evolve it to dead heat, need more 4 flam again, i don't have any moga cash but only 3.

Anonymous said...

Why cant we evolve smok into flam?And where did you guys get this Dewdevil which evolves from Peepee?

Arcturas2515 said...

there isn't a button to evolve Smok to Flam. could it be a bug?

Anonymous said...

And where did you guys get this Dewdevil which evolves from Peepee?

Anonymous said...

I am unable to evolve smok! please help!

Anonymous said...

probably when the dead heat event is over they might have the evolution of smok to flam

Anonymous said...

How many smok to turn into flam?
plz i need help!!!

Anonymous said...

Who's Dewdevil?

Anonymous said...

but evolved into a Valgore, you needed pay 600 moga cash...60 to evolve 4 flarm into dead heat...and later 10 dead heat into valgore, total 600. also have so expensive...and later potion need 40... really valgore powest than other mogas in a rest game? to pay 600 moga cast

Anonymous said...

You need 10 potions and 4 dead Heats to evolve into Valgore

Anonymous said...

Didn't phantar need 5 hammerdogs and 3 potions to evolve?

Anonymous said...

how do you evolve smok? i really want to evolve my smok into a flam and then dead heat and last but not least valgore and i am so not going to pay with moga coins cause i don't have any i prefer to do the easy way but i just don't know when are we allowed to evolve smok....

Anonymous said...

Wow, i think it's wrong, Smok not yet evolve......Flam just can buy with Moga cash,,,,
and Nebugon just 9 not 10 for evolve Unigon

Anonymous said...

i wish that hakka evolved and i that u only needed 1 moga to evolve if it was your starter moga AND ALMOST ALL OF MY MOGAS ARE FOXES

Anonymous said...

Only Rich bitches can have valgore or Zerk and this is not fair

Anonymous said...

ahm how i can get more yoake's im kinda new my yoake is lv 21 lol but i want juggernaut wich is better yoake or jugger caz i saw the hits on my yoake is more then 3k and thats alot

Silender said...

i have the same problem T.T plz i wanna juggernaut where can i get more yoake's. :(

Anonymous said...

It's unable to evolve smok. I want more winja and starseed. Or free moga cash.

Nguyen Duc Phong said...

It takes 4 Sweetish and 10 EP to evolve into Deelish

crustaceankyle said...

You need 4 Jags and 5 evolution potions to get a Lungs. Hope that helped!

Anonymous said...

Where is the new evolutions the monster galaxy team promised us?
(Trolo,Peafyx and Cathulu)

Anonymous said...

can anybody tell me how much gnarwhale do i need to evolve to gnarknight

Anonymous said...

You need 5 Gnarwhales to evolve to Gnarknight. :)

Anonymous said...

where are trufflefant, kirin, and spwinder?

Anonymous said...

Smok is not even familiar with Flam morans -_-"
Smok will evolve today :D I hope ;p

Anonymous said...

Smok evolves into Kysebok a new dragon; you need 7 potions to evolve, but I don't know how many mogas.

Yoake said...

Can someone tell me how many potion to evolve Ikki into Yuki?

Anonymous said...

You need 6 smok

Anonymous said...

I found out that u need 4 cathulu and 4 evolution potions to evolve into Dumboocto. hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

now there are rumbeard,bunglon and gocon

Yoake said...

How many potion do I need to evolve Smok in to Kysebok???!!! And how many potion do Ikki need I have 14 potions from quests,please help me NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Smok--> 7 evolution potions

Anonymous said...

oh man now i am gettig bored with this evolution potion i have 545 potions and valgore zerk and waido also

Anonymous said...

You are missing Birdrodent > Waidio

Arnesh said...

Where is Birdrodent which evolves to Waidio???

Anonymous said...

just wondering if im the only one having this problem. i take the 3 woolfs and 3 evolution potions to evolve into scenewolf but when i add him to my party and leave my home he isnt in the party anymore and when i go back home he reverted to 3 woolfs again help lease?

Renzzi A. said...

Uhm, when you evolve, the level of a moga goes down?

Anonymous said...

When you evolve Moga the moga's new level will be average value from those moga levels you evolve.
Also Why there ain't Cloyds evolution shown?

Yoake said...

Renzzi Roux Adorador,if u had 3x evolve mogas it'll stay on it's own level no chances.....

Anonymous said...

hey where is trolo,brolo and rooney

Anonymous said...

this is ridiculous to have to pay to evolve your monsters. im sure theyre making bank off people but monster galaxy just lost a fan

Anonymous said...

u need 2 peepees 2 evolve 2 dewdevil but i dont know how many evovlution potions u need.i know this because i caught peepee days ago.

blaze said...

this evolution chart is incomplete

Flavio Lomeu said...

peafyx (taurus) 3/1 > volpeo 3,5/1,5 (gemini)

Anonymous said...

You need 6 smok and 10 potion to kysebok

Anonymous said...

I cant evolve dinho? What do I need

Anonymous said...

Faust needs 6 EP to evolve to Gocon and 5 Fausts :)

Turbine said...

you need 6 smok to evolve to kysebok and 4 kysebok to evolve to korozinu using equal potions

Turbine said...

6 Smok (uncommon) + 6 Pot = Kysebok
4 Kysebok (super rare) + 4 Pot = Korozinu (epic)

Adhe Jans said...

how many black gold to evolves to drakos ?

Anonymous said...

It takes 5 Cherubis's and 5 Pots for Basalisk

Anonymous said...

Gremlin not in the list?

Rania said...

How can I evolve Cratchet??

Rania said...

How can I evolve Cratchet?

Anonymous said...

Where's Cobragon

Anonymous said...

7Evolutions Potions for envolve 6 Smok to Kysebok

Anonymous said...

I have edgehog I've beaten zodiac islands 2 times but never found a second one 4 evolve I CAN'T EVOLVE ANYTHING ON IT JUST LEVEL UP help me

Anonymous said...

It says about going into team then page to look for evolution but I can't find anything. How do I evolve the monsters on iPhone? No where does it say anything both as team or the monster itself

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2011 Unofficial Monster Galaxy Database Not Affiliated With Gaia Online Or The Game Developers Of Monster Galaxy.
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