Legendary Mogas

Moga Name   Sign   Rarity
AC (A.C.) -- Sagittarius -- Common
Alejandro -- Sagittarius -- Rare
Alleaux -- Leo -- Rare
Allegro   Libra   Rare
Alyx -- Leo -- Beginner
Anboo -- Scorpio -- Rare
Anee -- Pisces -- Common
Anini -- Pisces -- Rare
Ant -- Sagittarius -- Uncommon
Argos -- Libra -- Super Rare
Ariadne -- Aries -- Legendary
Axeberry -- Virgo -- Super Rare
Azure -- Aquarius -- Epic
Azurel -- Cancer -- Legendary
Bamf -- Scorpio -- Epic
Bandito -- Cancer -- Common
Barnetta -- Virgo -- Beginner
Barong -- Aries -- Super Rare
Basont -- Virgo -- Epic
Beaster -- Virgo -- Super Rare
Beefee -- Taurus -- Beginner
Bhino -- Pisces -- Rare
Black Gold -- Sagittarius -- Legendary
Blackfang -- Virgo -- Rare
Bladewing -- Libra -- Epic
Blix -- Gemini -- Uncommon
Boogaleef -- Gemini -- Common
Booly -- Taurus -- Uncommon
Boxer -- Taurus -- Rare
Brineep -- Aries -- Rare
Bristol -- Aquarius -- Uncommon
Buffant -- Libra -- Rare
Bunglon --   --  
Burger -- Taurus -- Legendary
Cactoo -- Virgo -- Epic
Capriccino -- Capricorn -- Rare
Cathulu -- Pisces -- Uncommon
Centurion --   --  
Chamepo -- Cancer -- Common
Chanho -- Leo -- Rare
Chell -- Leo -- Rare
Cherlampeter -- Cancer -- Rare
Chezvice -- Virgo -- Rare
Chiberus -- Aries -- Uncommon
Chuuchilla -- Sagittarius -- Uncommon
Chuuzilla -- Sagittarius -- Rare
Claude -- Leo -- Rare
Clovey -- Pisces -- Beginner
Cloyd -- Taurus -- Rare
Coldbear -- Capricorn -- Beginner
Colibri -- Libra -- Common
Coyotl -- Gemini -- Epic
Crabao -- Cancer -- Beginner
Crabone -- Cancer -- Uncommon
Creamaranian -- Capricorn -- Uncommon
Crescent --   --  
Crescent Fresh -- Sagittarius -- Rare
Crystagon -- Leo -- Legendary
Darcy -- Pisces -- Super Rare
Dead Heat -- Aries -- Epic
Deelish -- Virgo -- Legendary
Devibun -- Libra -- Rare
Dewdevil --   --  
Diabao -- Gemini -- Legendary
Dinho -- Sagittarius -- Beginner
Dirge -- Libra -- Super Rare
Edgar -- Gemini -- Beginner
Eefree -- Capricorn -- Uncommon
Electrotter -- Gemini -- Rare
Ella -- Scorpio -- Rare
Elque -- Virgo -- Super Rare
Eon -- Gemini -- Epic
Fassbender -- Scorpio -- Rare
Faust -- Virgo -- Uncommon
Fenix -- Capricorn -- Uncommon
Firefox -- Sagittarius -- Rare
Fishleg -- Capricorn -- Super Rare
Flam -- Libra -- Rare
Friedrich -- Gemini -- Super Rare
Frostfang -- Gemini -- Epic
Glab -- Cancer -- Uncommon
Glowbug -- Cancer -- Rare
Gnarknight   Pisces   Super Rare
Gnarwhale -- Pisces -- Rare
Goatsabee -- Gemini -- Uncommon
Gogh -- Gemini -- Uncommon
Golerph -- Taurus -- Uncommon
Gravedigger -- Virgo -- Galactic
Groot -- Libra -- Uncommon
Gryph -- Leo -- Uncommon
Hakka -- Aquarius -- Rare
Hammerdog -- Cancer -- Uncommon
Hanzo -- Sagittarius -- Legendary
Harayama -- Capricorn -- Rare
Hattori -- Sagittarius -- Legendary
Heart -- Capricorn -- Beginner
Hell Mongrel -- Taurus -- Rare
Huey -- Gemini -- Uncommon
Ibex -- Aries -- Uncommon
Icevia -- Scorpio -- Super Rare
Ie -- Aquarius -- Rare
Igneon -- Gemini -- Legendary
Ikki -- Aquarius -- Uncommon
Jackalope -- Leo -- Epic
Jacob --   --  
Jag -- Pisces -- Uncommon
Jet -- Taurus -- Epic
Jor -- Libra -- Uncommon
Juggernaut -- Taurus -- Epic
Kebaba -- Taurus -- Rare
Kittenstar -- Leo -- Rare
Knightaur -- Sagittarius -- Uncommon
Knine -- Leo -- Super Rare
Knives   Capricorn   Rare
Kurogane -- Virgo -- Epic
Lainedeer -- Capricorn -- Epic
Lambo -- Capricorn -- Beginner
Leif -- Virgo -- Uncommon
Leon -- Leo -- Legendary
Lepus -- Capricorn -- Beginner
Leviathan -- Pisces -- Uncommon
Lira -- Libra -- Uncommon
Lumo -- Aries -- Epic
Lungs   Aquarius   Rare
Mantra -- Cancer -- Uncommon
Marcuu -- Sagittarius -- Uncommon
Mars -- Pisces -- Uncommon
Martini -- Pisces -- Super Rare
Meano -- Taurus -- Super Rare
Meh -- Capricorn -- Uncommon
Meka -- Virgo -- Uncommon
Melodee -- Virgo -- Super Rare
Messi -- Leo -- Super Rare
Metalear -- Aquarius -- Super Rare
Mimple -- Aries -- Uncommon
Mogan -- Libra -- Epic
Mojito -- Virgo -- Rare
Momo -- Pisces -- Legendary
Mona -- Gemini -- Super Rare
Mousemallow -- Aries -- Rare
Munninn -- Aquarius -- Beginner
Munyu -- Aries -- Common
Mushi -- Leo -- Super Rare
Nar -- Scorpio -- Beginner
Nebugon -- Scorpio -- Uncommon
Nightmare -- Sagittarius -- Uncommon
Nomy -- Virgo -- Rare
Nox -- Taurus -- Super Rare
Olerk -- Aries -- Uncommon
Orbz -- Cancer -- Epic
Owlreed -- Aquarius -- Common
Paroot -- Aquarius -- Epic
Paul -- Pisces -- Rare
Peafyx -- Taurus -- Uncommon
Peascorp -- Scorpio -- Common
Peejay -- Gemini -- Rare
Peepee -- Aquarius -- Legendary
Pengoo -- Scorpio -- Uncommon
Phantar -- Cancer -- Uncommon
Pigloo -- Scorpio -- Uncommon
Piglore -- Libra -- Rare
Plasmadon -- Capricorn -- Legendary
Plasmians -- Capricorn -- Legendary
Pluksop -- Taurus -- Epic
Prototype Zero -- Sagittarius -- Super Rare
Pudgy -- Aquarius -- Super Rare
Pugup -- Sagittarius -- Rare
Pulpo   Cancer   Super Rare
Pwee -- Cancer -- Uncommon
Radiojack -- Leo -- Uncommon
Rainburn -- Aries -- Epic
Raj -- Scorpio -- Super Rare
Ravenous -- Gemini -- Epic
Roarstache -- Leo -- Common
Rock Lobster -- Virgo -- Legendary
Ronal -- Virgo -- Uncommon
Sandburrow -- Aries -- Super Rare
Saphirz -- Pisces -- Epic
Scorpius -- Scorpio -- Epic
Scud -- Aquarius -- Uncommon
Seraph -- Aquarius -- Legendary
Shadowstar -- Sagittarius -- Rare
Shadowstrike -- Libra -- Legendary
Shellack -- Pisces -- Uncommon
Shen -- Pisces -- Epic
Sheriff -- Aries -- Rare
Siri -- Virgo -- Common
Skuzy -- Cancer -- Uncommon
Smok -- Libra -- Uncommon
Sno -- Scorpio -- Uncommon
Southpaw -- Taurus -- Super Rare
Spike -- Aries -- Legendary
Stareaver -- Cancer -- Rare
Starpops -- Aquarius -- Uncommon
Staryak -- Taurus -- Super Rare
Stego -- Taurus -- Rare
Sweetish -- Gemini -- Super Rare
Swirlicorn -- Sagittarius -- Super Rare
Syrene -- Pisces -- Super Rare
Tama -- Virgo -- Legendary
Tambo -- Aquarius -- Uncommon
Target -- Cancer -- Rare
Tauron -- Taurus -- Uncommon
Teef -- Capricorn -- Super Rare
Tenpac -- Cancer -- Rare
Thorn   Scorpio   Uncommon
Tiano -- Sagittarius -- Epic
Tigon -- Gemini -- Uncommon
Tippy -- Taurus -- Rare
Titus -- Leo -- Uncommon
Toro   Taurus   Uncommon
Trolo -- Capricorn -- Common
Turtlenie -- Virgo -- Uncommon
Tutu -- Libra -- Uncommon
Twister -- Aries -- Uncommon
Tyr --   --  
Umbranine -- Leo -- Uncommon
Unigon -- Scorpio -- Super Rare
Unitaur -- Sagittarius -- Super Rare
Valgore -- Sagittarius -- Galactic
Vangelis -- Libra -- Rare
Velvia -- Virgo -- Rare
Vesper -- Cancer -- Super Rare
Vuvu -- Aries -- Beginner
Waidio -- Libra -- Legendary
War Lepus -- Libra -- Epic
Warplet -- Pisces -- Uncommon
Wasabee -- Gemini -- Beginner
Wastrel -- Libra -- Super Rare
Weatar -- Scorpio -- Legendary


Anonymous said...

What about War Lepus? Where is War Lepus?

Paidjan said...

war lepus is epic!

Paidjan said...

Igneon is legendary, i have 1, evolved from 5 epic Tiano

Anonymous said...

i have 2 Seraph

Anonymous said...

war lepus was limited

Anonymous said...

how i get moga cash easily

Anonymous said...

wat about ariadne its a legendary the evolved form of orbz....late

Anonymous said...

weres deelish? i love deelish! but can't go to pueblonia for extremely hard difficulty
and capture sweetishs

Anonymous said...


Jayanth said...

diabao is found at lobster tornado

Anonymous said...

i have 12 valgores and 12 zerk and 12 gravedigger and 13 soulclevers

Anonymous said...

12 valgore
wts ur name on facebook

Yoake said...

I'm trying to capture Tama can I just use starseeds to capture it? tell me
i want it T_T

Anonymous said...

there is a new moga its called north kittenstar

Anonymous said...

He where is Zomwolf and north Kitten star they are also legendary and tawakan also

Anonymous said...

I already have Peepee and Burger

Anonymous said...

Dark searph! it's an legendary moga during mogapocalype etvent

Anonymous said...

there are 2 new legendary moga, hellhound and havoc during the mogapocalypse: end of days

Anonymous said...

finally, i have my first moga (azurel) with 4ss

Anonymous said...

i captured tama 7 ss i have 2 legendary mogas tama and shadowstrike

Anonymous said...

i got diabao,peepee,blackgold,momo,azurel,leon,burger,plasmians,zomwolf,tama,spike,zerk,bushidon,nian,and niseag

Anonymous said...

i want a moga that is legendary can u give me a legendary anyone but it is legendary.. plzz?

Anonymous said...

i defeated hellhound and spike =P

Anonymous said...

i have 8 moga... azurel, tama, peepee, plasmians, burger, momo, north kittenstar, and hanzo. my next target is leon, spike, and diabao

Anonymous said...

Wait a sec Anonymous!How many ss did you used for all those legendary mogas?

Anonymous said...

Hey!Where are Rocoa,Orichi,Heartbreaker,Darrig and Shaka?!

tampilan said...

what the mogas have healing shield skill?

tampilan said...

what the mogas have skill healing shield?

Anonymous said...

And Sherman too.

Anonymous said...

i captured diabao with only 1 starseed and black gold with 2 starseedson the 54° try.

Anonymous said...

Crystagon is not a leo. Its a pisces.

Anonymous said...

have anyone catched humanaty at swirly dock?

Anonymous said...

humanaty is a epic u can find him at swirly dock it looks kind of weird its a walrus type of thing with a hat and a jacket

Anonymous said...

I also have a Humanatee but hes level 10 and I caught him 1st try 8% capture and saw my first legendary moga for the first time, Tama! Failed to capture :( If anyone wants to know where to get him heres the place-- Electrotter Sound or Fingerland Point. keep checking there. you will get either 3 or 4% of capture. save up starseeds first in my advice.
Posted- Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck Pisces only has 1 epic moga? and a shitty one too!

Anonymous said...

I have more legendary moga igneon, momo, peepee, plasmian,crystagon, diabao, leon, zomwolf, shadowstrike, rocklobster, burger

Anonymous said...

I have more legenday moga burger, crystagon, zomwolf, leon, momo, igneon, peepee, diabao, plasmian, rock lobster, shadowstrike

Anonymous said...

i have humanatee i caught it with 2 ss after a long battle . i also have 4 legendary ( deelish , azurel , momo , plasmians) , i caught momo and plasmians for 1 SS only , i wish i have burger and spike , i have 8 epic , i caught all the sweetish with 1 ss , i have ( orbz , zeit , humanatee , seidh , bamf , winja , cactoo , ravenous )

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